Alma Van Duys

I'm a front-end web developer in Columbia, SC

About Me


GitHub Repo Gallery

A responsive gallery of my public repositories using GitHub's API to pull data from my GitHub profile. Click on any repo to see more details.

Skills: JavaScript, Rest APIs, Loops, DOM Manipulation

Live Page
Super Sticky Notes

Interactive app that lets users create, search and edit “sticky notes” on their computer to keep track of to-do items.

Skills: React, JSX, ES6, Data Flow, DOM Manipulation, Local Storage

Live Page
Guess the Word

JavaScript game that lets players guess the word by entering one letter at a time. If the player guesses all the letters correctly before they use up their allotted guesses, they win!

Skills: JavaScript, Responsive Design, DOM Manipulation, Loops

Live Page
Hotel Booking App

Hotel search tool that allows user to filter the type of hotel they want to stay in.

Skills: ES6, JSX, Managing data flow, Manipulate the DOM

Live Page

A multi-page responsive website coded with Flexbox. This versatile design has several sections, including a Cards design pattern, that can be repurposed for different sites.

Skills: CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Live Page





Dom Manipulation





Responsive Design

About Me

Hi, I am Alma Van Duys! I am a part-time guitar professor who fell in love with programming and decided to make it a full-time career. Coding to me is like playing an instrument: once presented with challenge you have to analyze, problem-solve and improve. Both require practicing, dedication, persistence and a great attention to detail. Most importantly: both are life-long learning skills. After discovering so many parallels between the two, coding seemed like a great fit for me. I am currently looking for front-end developer job opportunities. When I am not coding or teaching lessons I am spending quality time with my family. I also enjoy nature, walks, photography, interior design, and sipping on Turkish/Bosnian Coffee.